Endless Possibility in OOH Space
Stephen Glassman Urban Air项目负责人
As an artist, I have always worked with bamboo, and I have always worked in the public realm. Thanks to bamboo’s unique structural ability, it is almost gravity free and allows me to create spontaneously and intuitively on a large scale. Bamboo allows me to “draw in space”. Working in public explores the relationship of sculpture and social impact.
As I worked among the fallen bridges, collapsed buildings, cracked freeways, and burned neighborhoods, I realized that the billboards still stood. That’s when they took on a new, almost totemic symbolism to me … and in my eyes their extreme cantilevers and transparent structures became beautiful and meaningful, full of possibility.
I began exploring bamboo installations on billboards, using the bamboo as a kind of drawing, almost like graffiti. But I was seeking to push the boundaries and achieve a breakthrough in my work – a breakthrough of scale and impact. To gain power, I tried to make the work simpler and simpler. When I arrived at the simplest tableaux - just the living bamboo on the billboard structure, it struck a powerful chord. At that moment, the image began to attract the collaboration of other vanguard professionals – environmentalists, engineers, technologists, advertising …. , and the Urban Air project was born.
If the world is a bell, then art is a hammer. Urban Air is an artwork that rings true.
For me, the most powerful contribution is as an artwork. It is a “crack’ in the urban skyline. It “creates space” and reminds us of our human-ness. It also sends a powerful message – it is architecture floating a forest. It declares that building must now support the earth.
But the piece serves as well. Each “greenboard” contains living breathing foliage and water vapor, creating an almost cloud forest micro-climate in which air quality sensors are placed. Urban Air can then compare and communicate the findings … on the net, to smartphones … and to other Urban Air greenboards.
Ultimately, I am hoping to team up with the Clinton Foundation’s C40 initiative – a collaboration of the world’s 40 largest cities to measurably reduce their carbon footprint by the year 2020. Urban Air would be a symbol of, and instrument for the pursuit of this global green future.
Art and advertising have always existed in the same social space, and both serve to generate new value. Many companies are struggling to define “new value” in today’s market. Rather than worshipping over-consumption, what increasingly matters more to the public are product values – transparency, connectedness, and sustainability. Urban Air states these values very powerfully and simply … and because we have generated global recognition, (especially due to our Kickstarter crowdfunding) we have become a valuable contribution to the conversation. Urban Air is frequently cited as an exceptional leading edge example of a new trend in creativity and production. There have been over 21,000 articles and blog posts in just this past year … the video was downloaded over 150,000 times in 125 countries on every continent … and the project has received over 600,000 hits.
OOH—For the People
What’s important to understand is that Urban Air is not a “greener” billboard, a “hipper” billboard, a “different” billboard … It is a fundamental transformation of the territory. The OOH landscape is generally viewed as chaotic urban blight. I see it as an infrastructure. Right now that infrastructure is simply a cluster of individual entities selling you stuff. But what if that infrastructure could actually serve the city? What if it could be a portal instead of a roadblock? What if it could interconnect, rather than individually compete?
I think the possibilities are endless - more than just the endless design ideas for each piece, but what can be done with the context … the urban fabric as a raw canvas.
For example, my engineering colleagues at Arup were looking at the possibility of Urban Air as air scrubbers (Hong Kong loses $6 billion/year disease due to air pollution).
In Peru, a billboard located near a remote rural desert community was engineered to create pure drinking water out of the air.
Imagine your urban billboard landscape as a massive city wide museum, where dedicated structures became individual giant sculptures, free to the public, wifi enabled and interconnected for a true museum experience.At this moment, Urban Air has generated huge space and interest to happen in a myriad of cities around the world. It’s amazing that the project has come so far and achieved so much recognition with support coming only from the sale of my original artworks, limited edition prints, and design products. This will be expanded by opening an Urban Air store on our website, and pursuing more collaborations with fashion and product designers, gallerists, and retailers. However, Urban Air is actively seeking large donors and sponsors to take the project global. It is a collective effort and message, and I am grateful for each and every volunteer, collaborator, contributor, and sponsor.
空中花园的确印证了这一点。每个“绿色”大牌上的植物都可以进行呼吸作用,并产生水蒸气,大牌上安装的空气质量感应器可以感应到云森林微气候的形成。人们可以通过网络、智能手机等设备针对不同的 “绿色”大牌进行比较与互动交流。
举例来说,与我们合作的 Arup公司工程部的同事们正在试图探索将空中花园项目转化为自然空气净化器的可能(香港每年用于处理空气污染引发的疾病控制治疗费用已高达60亿美元)。