从大众生活出发设计作品 其它

         极具创造力的Mathieu Lehanneur设计融合设计,科学,艺术和技术的物品和建筑可谓是得心应手。作为国立高等工业设计学院ENSCI的高材生,他那富有代表性的冥想主题的作品立刻成为了美国现代艺术博物馆的收藏品之一。在2008年,Popular Science杂志授予他“最佳发明奖”,获奖作品名为“Andrea”,一个举世闻名的空气净化系统,有趣的是,它是通过植物来实现这个功能的。与此类似的作品还包括他2011年为法国圣伊莱尔教堂设计的室内作品。他的工作室和众多知名公司如日本三宅一生,昆庭,卡地亚,Poltrona Frau,德高,耐克等知名公司合作。Mathieu Lehanneur同时也为位于伦敦和巴黎木匠作坊画廊设计限量版展品。他的作品被世界各地享誉盛名的展览馆展出,比如纽约美国现代艺术博物馆,法国巴黎的蓬皮杜中心,旧金山的现代艺术博物馆,巴黎的Frac Ile de France和Musée Des Arts Décoratifs等等。在2009年,他被邀请参加享誉盛名的TED大会。2012年Gestalten还发表了关于他的专论。


          Mathieu Lehanneur为法国圣伊莱尔教堂设计的室内作品


        Mathieu Lehanneur and Pullman设计的商务游乐场

        Mathieu Lehanneur和David Edwards设计的“Andrea”, 这款环保型空气净化器可以吸收有毒气体,通过植物的叶子和根进行过滤,然后再释放出清新的空气。

        Mathieu Lehanneur为瑞士巧克力制造商雀巢设计的旗舰店,这个占地60平方米的小建筑坐落在瑞士的群山之中,这里正是生产这种举世闻名的巧克力的地方。

        Mathieu Lehanneur, David Edwards合作设计的背包。这件作品的灵感来自于人体内细胞传送水喝营养的功能。这个 “cellbag”在南非的Moretele社区被广泛使用。它作为一种功能性背包,不仅可以在极其恶劣的环境状况下传输饮用水,还歌颂了了人道主义思想。

        AOM: From a design perspective, what role could street furniture play in a city? Please illustrate your points with related cases in Europe.
       Mathieu :Urban furniture often has a tendency to condition people and footfall. It always indicates, "Sit down here!" "Hang out like this!" It is probably one of the reasons for which benches are empty most of the time! The steps of monuments such as cathedrals or museums are the most efficient in terms of urban furniture today. Look at how passers-by, visitors and tourists worldwide interact with these large staircases. As well as acting as furniture it is a place to meet and briefly stop. All too often urban furniture is a simple adaptation of domestic furniture. It now needs to be aligned to suit our new uses.
         Mathieu :城市家具通常具备调节人流与客流量的功能。它总是传达出这样的信号,“来这里坐下。”“我们这样玩!”这可能就是为什么公共场所的板凳总是空着的了!天主大教堂或者博物馆的楼梯作为街道家具可以说是最成功的案例了。不管是乘客,来访者,还是来自世界各地的游客,他们都不亦乐乎的与这些街道家具互动着。这些街道家具也具备着充当朋友会面和购物场所的功能。很多时候城市街道家具就是室内家具的演化版本。现在我们需要把它们联合起来以适应我们新的需求。
        AOM: As a world-renowned interior and industrial designer, what do you think are some of the most important factors in designing street furniture that is compatible with the overall presence of the city? Please share some examples with us.
         Mathieu :Cities are already saturated with objects. Furniture, lighting, bus shelters, parked cars etc. Each new piece of urban furniture must therefore be absolutely necessary and essential. When JCDecaux asked me to design Digital Break on the Champs Elysées in Paris, the idea was to bring a feeling of lightness and suspension in the air so as not to clutter the space on the ground. Like a tree that had grown overnight. And that worked perfectly! The installation attracts users without feeling like an additional object.
        AOM:Please introduce us to the intelligent street furniture you designed for JCDecaux, how does it differ from traditional street furniture? What designing trend can we see from it?
Mathieu :Intelligence has entered our houses, telephones and cars but it has not yet entered cities per se. In collaboration with JCDecaux and the City of Paris we wanted Parisians and tourists to be able to benefit from the digital network. The idea was that the technology should not be too visible but for it to be more of a service, based on the requirements of the public and use. The first two projects focused on a free Wi-Fi area, as well as providing information about transport, the city and its history. The other project "Play!" offers furniture with games for parks and gardens in the city. This furniture incorporates touch screens and a collection of group and individual games.
